Seventeen-year-old Kettle has had his share of adversity. As an orphaned Japanese American strugg...
Tormented and controlled by little white pills and visions of the woman he'd loved, paramedic Noa...
When the mythical Key to the Universe lands in 107-yr-old Abe's antique shop on the Martian moon ...
For Luna, the price of peace in a time of war is a heart of hickory. But to have a hickory heart ...
Six teenage witches.One ancient evil.A terrible curse that binds them all.In this spellbinding se...
Joe is a typical Platform teenager, living on the remnants of oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico...
Anna is a student surviving the city, and she lives by a simple credo, 'Never play their game; th...
Sleep for three months and wake up perfect.'Total Recall' meets Scott...
When New York City faces the threat of an ancient evil, a teenage boy must use a magical bracelet...
Penelope, a student reporter, struggles to find her identity after a childhood of tragedy. Desper...
'Ride hard, swing hard, and take out as many of those creepy critters as you can.'Twelve year old...
A centuries-old curse plagues the island of Viaii Nisi and an ancient enemy lurks beneath the dep...