In the classic French novel The Passionate Epicure, Marcel Rouff introduces Dodin-Bouffant, a cha...
In the fall of 1920, Sinclair Lewis began a novel set in a fast-growing city with the heart and m...
The Blithedale Romance, considered one of Hawthorne's major novels, explores the limitations of h...
Martial, the father of the epigram, was one of the brilliant provincial poets who made their lite...
The story of an endearing, unlikely friendship set against the backdrop of a remote and beautiful...
Tracing an awe-inspiring oceanic route from Boston, around Cape Horn, to the California coast, Tw...
Beginning with the piece that made Mark Twain famous--'The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras Co...
Edited and with an Introduction by Frank KermodeA Woman Killed with Kindness by Thomas HeywoodVol...
This landmark anthology brings together some of the best stories written in the last thirty years...
Who made God? Can God hear my prayers? Why does God let people die? The author of When Bad Things...
'Football is force and fanatics, basketball is beauty and bounce. Baseball is everything:action...
Virginia gentleman John Carter, unexpectedly transported to the perilous red planet, Mars, finds ...