This book examines the events of September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden's role and the complex work...
Bestselling author Peter Fleming uncovers the dark underbelly of the modern university to reveal ...
A smart and succinct history of the Labour left
Erstverkaufstag: 20.06.2025
Friendship is potent and full of possibilities for social change
Erstverkaufstag: 20.02.2026
The first comprehensive exploration of 'The Captive Maternal, ' its profound historical roots, an...
Erstverkaufstag: 20.05.2025
A groundbreaking study of Fanon's role in the Algerian liberation struggle
Erstverkaufstag: 20.02.2025
A lifelong labour activist lifts the lid on sexual harassment in the trade union movement
Erstverkaufstag: 20.02.2025
The beautifully complex history of how Nigerians lived before colonisation
Erstverkaufstag: 20.01.2025
Inspiring insiders' accounts of modern Irish activism under austerity and beyond
Erstverkaufstag: 20.02.2025
An eco-socialist's handbook on how to change the world
Erstverkaufstag: 20.02.2025
The inspiring story of the struggle for housing justice
Erstverkaufstag: 20.03.2025
A nuanced introduction to the Palestinian organization