A.B. Arnold's poignant story about self-realization centres around Kelly, a young woman whose sec...
Cracking the Philosophers' Stone is a combination of historical commentary with reproducible chem...
The aim of this book is to show that scientific and spiritual quests are one and the same. The se...
Keys to the Kingdom of Alchemy is a decoding of the chemical reaction encrypted in Basil Valentin...
Keys to the Kingdom of Alchemy is a decoding of the chemical reaction encrypted in Basil Valentin...
Transmission of Alchemy is a new literal Arabic to English translation from two versions of an an...
Transmission of Alchemy is a new literal Arabic to English translation from two versions of an an...
Scarification: the process of etching a design into the skin, controlling the scarring so that it...
Judaism was exiled from Spain; Islam was getting more powerful in the east, Christianity in the w...
S¿¿khya is one of the world's most valued and ancient spiritual philosophies. It is pure spiritua...
S¿¿khya is one of the world's most valued and ancient spiritual philosophies. It is pure spiritua...
The success of periodontal and implant-related plastic and reconstructive surgical therapy is bas...