Hal Blaine came to Hollywood in the late 1950s with a dream of becoming a studio drummer. Over th...
The Rogers Book is a family and company history of the Rogers drum company. It includes a section...
The Gretsch Drum Book includes a family history of the Gretsch family and business history of the...
The Ludwig Book detail the Ludwig family background and the complete business history of Ludwig D...
Here is a hard-rock memoir told from the drum throne of the kings of arena-rock boogie, Humble Pi...
The Slingerland Book is a Slingerland family and business history. Slingerland was the world's la...
The Leedy Way details the lives of U.G. Leedy and George Way and explains the structure of their ...
Ed Shaughnessy was an American drum legend who for decades was a leading big band force, educator...
Autobiography of Maurie and Jan Lishon, and the history of Franks Drum Shop of Chicago.Maurie L...
A compilation of all 29 issues of The Leedy Drum Topics published from 1923 to 1941 by the Leedy ...
Includes samples of the various colors and finishes used by the major American drum companies fro...
Vintage Gretsch drums are prized by collectors, who are often frustrated in trying to identify th...