'The Autobiography of a Flea' is an erotic novel first published in 1887. Although originally pub...
This is the tenth installment of 'The Pearl', a pornographic magazine published in London by Will...
First published in 1900, 'The Diary of a Chambermaid' is a decadent novel written by Octave Mirbe...
This is the third installment of 'The Pearl' a pornographic magazine published in London by Willi...
First published in 1908, this book contains seven stories written by Pierre Louÿs, including: 'Wo...
This is the fifteenth installment of 'The Pearl', a pornographic magazine published in London by ...
This is John Cleland's controversial 1749 novel, 'Memoirs of Fanny Hill'. John Cleland (1709 - 17...
'The Power of Mesmerism - A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies' is a 1891 er...
'The Romance of Lust - A Classic Victorian Erotic Novel' is an 1873 erotic novel of anonymous aut...
First published in 1934, 'Sex Life in England' explores the history and development of sexual beh...
'The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship' is an 1874 work by Hargreave Jennings, published un...
Within this book, Hargrave Jennings looks at the role 'Phallicism' has played in various religion...