Frank and refreshing, Brigitte Reimann's collected diaries provide a candid account of life in so...
A unique and modern approach to money, wealth, greed, and financial ignorance presented via a sto...
A captivating and wide-ranging interpretation of accidental dismounting. In Pascal Quignard'...
Erstverkaufstag: 05.02.2025
Analyzes the different strands in theater studies over the past three decades.
Erstverkaufstag: 05.01.2025
Examines the previously unresearched formative years of Polish director Jerzy Grotowski's career....
Erstverkaufstag: 09.01.2025
An accessible contribution to the ongoing discussion about the quality and politics of social sci...
Erstverkaufstag: 05.11.2023
A riveting novel that is both an indictment and an elegy, a second-person memoir of Nasser's fina...
Erstverkaufstag: 10.01.2025
Alexander Kluge explores the madcap, multifaceted world of the circus through a global geopolitic...
Erstverkaufstag: 09.01.2025
Reveals a dark chapter in the Italian government's colonial history that has been largely hidden ...
Erstverkaufstag: 13.01.2025
Essays exploring the lasting impact of Habib Tanvir's pioneering theatre which blended tradition ...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.01.2025
A biography that unveils the iconic life, innovative choreography, and enduring legacy of Astad D...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.01.2025
An insightful study of Walter Benjamin, one of the most important philosophers of the twentieth c...