This is the tale of Oisin Kelly, beginning with his mother, Annie as she struggles to come to ter...
Rachel, a Texan schoolgirl, takes her hamster, Waffles, for a secret ride on the strange carousel...
Firestorm Rising is John Clewarth's debut novel, for children aged 9 to 12+ years - and reached t...
The story of young Irishman, Oisin Kelly continues in this third novel. Oisin has settled in the ...
Dylan, in love with classmate Alice, who lives next door, despairs of ever impressing her after h...
In his fifth solo mini-adventure, Max the talking Tonkinese cat, the feline hero of the SHADOWS O...
Three 10-year-old children, one Tonkinese cat, four golden owl charms, an old book, and a special...
This is the 13th book in the Shadows of the Past series, a set of time-travel adventure stories t...
Ten-year-old twins Jemima and Joe Lancelot continue the search for their missing parents who are ...
Caitlin and sister Rhona full prey to a Kelpie inhabiting a famous Scottish waterfall. Transforme...
With the Vietnam War as background, life in 1970's Australia was a time of social and political c...
A Texan schoolgirl's feet will only point north... towards the Arctic. Earth Mother requires her ...