CHERUB is an elite intelligence organization that employs agents under the age of seventeen. Beca...
James is on his most daring mission yet: to smack down the world's most powerful drug lord. It me...
A memoir of astonishing power ('Kirkus Reviews'), this is one woman's incredible tale of finding ...
In this follow-up to 'Here, There Be Dragons,' John, Jack, and Charles are brought together again...
From the acclaimed author of 'The Usual Rules' comes this heartbreaking yet uplifting portrait of...
One of the world's most beloved fairy tales - Beauty and the Beast - gets a magical retelling.
'Now an ABC Family original series'--Cover.
It’s steamy in the Gulf town of Sea Breeze. Physical attraction is the only way to beat the heat ...
Each step in Annabelle’s 2,700-mile cross-country run brings her closer to facing a trauma from h...
Includes an excerpt from Getting revenge on Lauren Wood, by Eileen Cook.
In the style of Blake Nelson's cult favorite, Girl comes a story about the moments in life that c...
A mixed race teen struggles to find her way back to her love of music in the wake of her sister's...