Industrial civilisation has no future. It requires limitless economic growth on a finite planet. ...
In our age of overconsumption, Henry Thoreau's fiery criticisms of consumer culture and his poeti...
'Wild Democracy is a daring and compelling collection of essays that explores the theory and prac...
What role might art need to play in the transition beyond consumer capitalism? Can 'culture jammi...
'This is a creative re-enactment of the life, death and ideas of the most influential Cynic of an...
Carbon civilisation is powered predominately by finite fossil fuels and with each passing day it ...
In this second volume of collected essays, Samuel Alexander develops the provocative ideas contai...
When industrial civilisation collapsed in the third decade of the 21st century, a community livin...
Calling for a sufficiency-based culture of 'simple living' to underpin a macroeconomic framework ...
The dominant culture of industrial civilisation is highly materialistic, holding up Western-style...
Ted Trainer is an Australian scholar-activist who for decades has been defending and practising a...
'Death for Gaia' is a philosophical story about a group of scientists who create and release a bi...