Following his parents' ugly divorce, Jake Oliver chooses to move with his father to a remote corn...
In a world where Hitler won the The War, and perfection is constantly sought, Ellyssa has broken ...
High school student Bobby Pendell already has his hands full--he works almost every night to supp...
Seventeen-year-old Samantha Thompson struggles to figure out how to deal with her new powers and ...
When Savannah Gregory blows out her knee -and her shot at a gymnastics scholarship - she decides ...
The truth won't always set you free. Less than a year ago, Neely Ambrose's biggest worry was havi...
The global Ebola-X pandemic of 2022 lasted five months, two weeks, and six days before a cure cou...
Nadette Lawson can sense falsehoods better than a polygraph. Every night for the past two years, ...
Talented rock guitarist Beth Collins has been barely holding herself together for months, ever si...
Rosie Clayton witnesses a mugging on her first night in London-and then the scene rewinds itself....