Is it possible for an experience of literature to be an experience of life? Can we think of words...
In the murky aftermath of a breakdown, a man still at odds with himself takes flight to a cottage...
Two brothers, swallowed by a whale, lament the loneliness they suffer in the belly of the beast. ...
New Year's Eve, 1989. At a residential care home in suburban Australia, fireworks explode in the ...
How many ways can the world fall apart? A smug superhero belittles the very people he's supposed ...
Can a relationship survive on one person's love for a beard? Can Shakespeare protect a doomed rom...
At the top of a high-rise tower, buffeted by a gale, a desperate man clings onto a ledge and feel...
A beloved child is lost: taken too soon or never born. A woman bereaved and a man distraught are ...
A restless woman upends her world, abandoning her domestic inertia to seek refuge in a foreign he...
In 1790, Xavier de Maistre was sentenced to forty-two days under house arrest for his participati...