Lianwei Li's Ph.D. thesis solves a long-standing problem in polymer physics: how does a hyperbran...
This volume describes the state-of-knowledge in the study of the relationships between mechanical...
In this book, headache experts summarize all the currently available therapies for primary headac...
This book collects the proceedings of the 2012 Abel Symposium, held at the Norwegian Academy of S...
This monograph presents the concept of agents and agent systems. It starts with a formal approach...
This book explores the question of how urban sustainability can be achieved despite a lack of kno...
This volume collects the research papers presented at the 6th International Conference on Sustain...
This book expands on law-related research by examining the legal aspects of sustainability with a...
This book provides an introduction to the principles of both cardiovascular epidemiology and mole...
Die Ansicht ¿Es liegt alles in unseren Genen und wir können es nicht ändern¿ hat sich in den letz...
This book uses the example of a partnership journey between universities, schools, the local heal...
This book explores trends in migration from Bulgaria to Switzerland since Bulgaria joined the Eur...