This Anthology is composed of a variety of short-stories, poetry and plays most having an Irish T...
At last, the secrets of Ireland's megalithic Newgrange Monument revealed! Not by an archaeologist...
Grace Upendo (32) is a Sexually-abused Black Swahili African. Despite her strength of character, ...
Accused of stealing $3million and attempting suicide, DAVID BLOOM is admitted to a psychiatric un...
The Dazzling Universe of Helen Fox explores not only the Milky Way Galaxy but also the entire kno...
2017 PRINT EDITION NOW AVAILABLE! A Survivor's Guide to Living in Ireland. Come for a week - stay...
About The Madness of Chief Inspector Mary SweetMary Sweet, a London Police Inspector, has been co...
About How an'Auld Yank Learned to Survive in Southwest County Cork Ireland(Remember, you could co...
Mary Sweet and her Teams are ordered to go to Scotland. There, they must again stop General Gusto...