Memphis Police Lieutenant Julia Todd returns in the second installment in the Murder in Memphis s...
Short Poems for a Long and Happy Life is a collection of micro poems meant to move, motivate, and...
Whether you are relocating across the street or across the nation, it doesn't take long to figure...
James Paavola introduces the first novel in his 'murder in Memphis' series: 'The Chartreuse Envel...
Have you recently hired a contractor to do some home improvements, but after careful inspection, ...
One woman and two men, trapped in a web of deceit in the ashes of the Reich's capital: Mathilde s...
THE PERSONAL INJURY CONUNDRUMWith over 3 million whiplash injuries in the US each year, countless...
Focused on Helen Woo's acronym for Self-Aid,Self Aid- Inspirations to Turn Struggles into Succe...
As a recognized leader of new-age marketing strategy and sales success, Asa-Michael Shalom outlin...
This is the third book in the Murder In Memphis series: Car bombs, a serious weapon of choice--ma...
Two bodies are discovered within a mile of one another, one a teenage prostitute, the other an in...
The author shares lessons that took him over twenty-five years to learn. As a safety professional...