This book, 'Science Nama,' includes articles revolving around contemporary scientific topics writ...
'Sonay ka Mahal' is a collection of eleven short stories written in a simple, smooth and fluent l...
'Hairat naak Kahaniyan' [Fearsome stories] is a collection of two paranormal short stories writte...
All Muslim imams concurred that while the Qur'an can be translated into any language, the transla...
The Urdu short-story or 'afsana,' holds a significant place in Urdu prose genres. Throughout hist...
Novelette refers to a brief book or novella. A novel written on a small canvas is known as a 'Nov...
The short-story, is one of the most important literary subgenres in Urdu literature, despite its ...
The reviewer must be skilled in persuading, thorough research, astute analysis, and clear writing...
The short-story, is one of the most important literary subgenres in Urdu literature, despite its ...
The short-story, is one of the most important literary subgenres in Urdu literature, despite its ...
Rabindranath Tagore's stories are completely different from other stories of the world and have m...
Rabindranath Tagore's stories are completely different from other stories of the world and have m...