This is a story of a person who experienced an extraordinary life during and after the Second Wor...
Louie and the Dictator has won the following international awards:2022: Purple Dragonfly Award in...
Weeks after the outbreak of World War II, Joseph Halpern's Polish town, Vladimir Volynsky, in wha...
Panjabi Garden is focused on Gurmukhi alphabet recognition, nature-based Panjabi nouns, and a con...
Hello, little readers, come explore a story of two twin kids in the midst of a tale about their p...
As a retired police officer with 13 years of service in Canada, I've experienced firsthand the to...
In this second installment of The Hostage Chronicles you will once again come face to face with y...
Reflective supervision looks easy when done by a skilled professional, but this apparent ease is ...
This book, iridescence, provides models, insights and exercises on achieving improved wellbeing t...
The best teachers are not outside of us - they are inside. Collaborative reflection in supervisio...
This book, though not without a genuine sense of humour, contains the account of one man's life, ...