Lockward explores the feminine mystique in her second full-length collection of sensual and imagi...
'Cognizant of loss but always celebratory, Lockward's poems are irreverent, ravenous for the worl...
Why do dolls compel us so much? What are their meanings? What lessons do they have to teach us? T...
Named a finalist for the Northern California Book Award in Poetry as one of the best works by a n...
Bluewords Greening is a book about motherhood-love and family and fear and failure and mini-ninja...
The vast and minute details that lodge within the words 'my life' come forth resplendently in the...
Carolyn Miller is a lyric poet of redeeming grace and intense clarity. Her poems are grounded in ...
Like the original, The Crafty Poet II is organized into ten sections. We again end with 'Revision...
A poetry tutorial to inform and inspire poets. Includes model poems and prompts, writing tips, an...
In these wise and lovely mortal ruminations Neil Carpathios, long one of my favorite poets, turns...
How do we move forward after enormous loss? Perhaps like the lightning-struck tree, 'half of it s...
In the earnest and beautiful Travel Notes from the River Styx, Susanna Lang peers into the tiny m...