'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen is a literary masterpiece that unfolds with the grace and wi...
'Bambi' by Felix Salten invites readers into a mesmerizing woodland realm, where the rhythms of n...
'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald stands as a shimmering jewel in American literature, ca...
'O Grande Gatsby', de F. Scott Fitzgerald, é uma joia cintilante da literatura americana, captura...
'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley stands as a seminal work in Gothic literature, a narrative that de...
'El gran Gatsby' de F. Scott Fitzgerald es una joya reluciente de la literatura estadounidense, q...
I-'The Great Gatsby' ka-F. Scott Fitzgerald ime njengetshe eliyigugu elicwazimulayo emibhalweni y...
'The Blue Castle' by L. M. Montgomery unfolds as a beguiling tale of personal transformation, esc...
'Metamorphosis' by Franz Kafka is a surreal and haunting exploration of existential alienation an...
'Il grande Gatsby' di F. Scott Fitzgerald è un gioiello scintillante della letteratura americana,...
'The Great Gatsby' de F. Scott Fitzgerald constitue un joyau scintillant de la littérature améric...
'Cranford' by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell is a literary gem that transports readers to the quaint ...