In his pursuit of Jack-the-Ripper in America, the fourth book in the Jonatan Smyth series unfolds...
An old cowboy seeking shelter from a thunderstorm meets a gruesome end in the haunted tunnel. Smy...
'The Case of the Ship in the Desert,' we found ourselves exploring the mysterious presence of a S...
'The Case of the Red Ghost Camel,' transported us to the enigmatic legends and spine-chilling mys...
A local fisherman mysteriously disappears on Pyramid Lake and found weeks later with his throat c...
Austin is gripped by terror as a series of gruesome murders that rock the city. Bodies of prostit...
The Oracle consists of a series of episodic short stories that combine the likes of Ray Bradbury'...
I've always been fascinated by history-what some might call a 'history wonk.' But more than just ...