An unexpected, funny and touching new version of Pirandello's high-spirited drama, set at the hea...
A poetic and unsettling play from a striking new voice in British theatre.
A new spine-chilling work steeped in the history of classic Victorian tales of the supernatural, ...
A blackly comic and gripping new play from a young writer making his mark on television and in th...
One of the most potent of all European myths.
An out-of-this-world hit musical from the late cultural icon David Bowie and award-winning playwr...
The Rover Aphra Behn A rollicking Restoration comedy-the most performed and most studied by the i...
A controversial 'future history play' that explores the people beneath the crowns of Britain's mo...
Funny, fresh and packed with razor sharp wit, Kevin Elyot's landmark drama questions the nature o...
Danusia Samal's play Out of Sorts was the winner of Theatre503's International Playwriting Award ...
A passionate memoir-monologue that weaves lyrical storytelling with untiring protest.
Sarah Ruhl's luminous retelling of the Orpheus myth through the eyes of the heroine.