Sixteen-year-old Taka Yamabuki, royal by birth but samurai by training, embarks upon her first mi...
A samurai destined for greatness embarks on her first mission.In ancient Japan - a land of stunn...
Not all vengeance is exacted by the living.In 12th-century Japan, Yama...
Cold rain washes runnels of blood past her feet.Having survived her first sword battle and kille...
Working as a servant to the super-rich has its challenges, but it's a job, even if you do have a ...
Working as a servant to the super-rich has its challenges, but it's a job, even if you do have a ...
Melody Baker is torn.Torn between a career as a PhD in English and her ...
[Large print edition]Not all vengeance is exacted by the living. ...
Cold rain washes runnels of blood past her feet.Having survived her first sword battle and kille...
Not all vengeance is exacted by the living.In 12th-century Japan, Yama...
The young woman samurai. The ambitious warlord who loves her. His beautiful sister who challenges...