Celestial beings and human witches clash for the future of the human and fairy worlds in Paul Cor...
Charlotte's magical adventures continue in Weaver's Lament, the sequel to Emma Newman's Brother's...
'Liz Ziemska has fashioned a beautiful story about one famous survivor and the magic and mathemat...
The Lamb Will Slaughter the Lion by Margaret Killjoy pits utopian anarchists against rogue demon ...
P. Djèlí Clark returns to the historical fantasy universe of 'A Dead Djinn in Cairo', with the ot...
Myke Cole, star of CBS's Hunted and author of the Shadow Ops series returns with book two of the ...
Margaret Killjoy's Danielle Cain series is a dropkick-in-the-mouth anarcho-punk fantasy that pits...
With seven books for seven sins, Taste of Wrath is the adrenaline-fuelled finalé to Matt Wallace'...