Kristen Simmons' fast-paced, gripping YA dystopian series continues in Breaking Point.After fakin...
It's summer romance and second chances, the songs that stay in your head, and the boy you'll neve...
Acclaimed SF writer Pamela Sargent's book, Earthseed, told the story of Ship, a sentient starship...
It's the twenty-first century, and all over the world, MMORPGs are big business. Hidden away in C...
Another creepy tale for beside the campfire or beneath the covers from 'Twisted Sisters' Annette ...
In Cory Doctorow's wildly successful Little Brother, young Marcus Yallow was arbitrarily detained...
Thoughtfully imaginative and action-packed, Steeplejack is New York Times bestselling A. J. Hartl...
Nightstruck: the start of a spooky yet romantic dark paranormal horror series from Glimmerglass a...
'A bold girl, a kingdom under attack, magic everywhere-I devoured it in one sitting! This book is...
The Elysium Chronicles, J.A. Souders' riveting SF series for teens which began with the psycholog...
The Sword and the Dagger is an epic YA historical adventure by debut novelist Robert Cochran, the...
Spectacle is a YA murder mystery from debut author Jodie Lynn Zdrok in which a young reporter mus...