UPDATED edition of the life story of Irene Poe-Duce-Levi. Because of the War of Independence, Ire...
The revised version of REMEMBER, OBSERVE, REJOICE is a reference guide to the Jewish Feasts, Holi...
The five American men pictured on the Mount Rushmore picture had two things in common. First, the...
Leadership has been defined as influence. True leadership does not force or manipulate but provid...
KJV EDITION.The revised version of Remember, Observe, Rejoice, is a reference guide to the Jewish...
This book is a call to world revolution. We live in a decadent society that is on a collision cou...
espanolRECORDAR OBSERVAR Y REGOCIJARSE es una guía para las festividades judías, días feriados, d...
In 1989 verhuizen Wim en Petra van Amsterdam naar Jeruzalem, Israël, om daar als vrijwilligers bi...
Inspirational life story of a (very) special needs child. A Muslim boy joins the family of a Dutc...
Throughout history we have seen that nations were judged, are being judged, and are going to be j...
PortuguêsRECORDAR, OBSERVAR E REGOZIJAR-SE - é um guia de referência para as Festas, Feriados, Di...
Semillas en el Viento narra la historia del viaje de Rick Wienecke hacia el sufrimiento del puebl...