Life of Billy Dixon is a compelling narrative of the 'wild, free life' on the Great Plains fronti...
The near extinction of the North American buffalo, which in 1850 covered the mid-western plains b...
Contemporary Civil War scholarship has brought to light the important roles certain ethnic groups...
The first authentic biography of one of the most famous of the nineteenth century Texas Rangers-C...
As many as 9,500 men of Hispanic heritage fought in the United States' Civil War. In Texas, the b...
Early September 1862...General Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia crosses the Potomac Ri...
History does not simply happen, most often it is the result of years of graduate training, assidu...
The longest field goal in the history of football was kicked in Texas. But did you know it was lo...
Jeff Hamilton, only thirteen when purchased in 1853 by Sam Houston at a slave auction in Huntsvil...
Texas 'a whole other country'-a slogan that promotes tourism as much within the Lone Star State a...
Charles F. Gunther is a Yankee ice peddlar who is trapped in the South at the outbreak of the war...
In The Stars Were Big and Bright, Volume I, Thomas Alexander has created a concise and colorful p...