This is the incredible true story of Bob the racing pigeon and Mr Todd's amazing adventure. The s...
Inspired by true stories discovered on of incredible people that most of us don't know...
As a journalist, broadcaster and producer I learned the art of finding and telling other people's...
Inspired by true stories discovered on of incredible people that most of us don't know...
This tells the remarkable story of how Martyn Devlin, an unknown Geordie, buried in grassroots bo...
The art of mosaic construction seems to have spread through the Hellenistic world and was brought...
A serial killer is stalking Tyneside. But there is a pattern to his killings, his choice of victi...
Born on a farm in the 1920s, and growing up through the depression of the 1930s and the Second Wo...
The definitive guide for anyone working in the oil business. Based on his 30 years' experience o...
Following on from the 'Mosaics of Fishbourne Roman Palace', Derrick Napier takes the reader on a ...
It is 1888 and 18-year old Abigail is excited to be going for an interview at Newcastle's newest ...
This book critically examines the case for Britain fighting the Second World War and deals with m...