This book defines law as applied politics and examines United States politics, a government creat...
The goal of this book is to provide law students with an understanding of the major federal civil...
The law of contracts permeates most, if not all, other subjects of legal education. Principles of...
Cruel and unusual punishment is one of the most contentious issues in modern times. The condemnat...
New issues in estate planning today include the inheritance rights of 'sperm bank' children, incr...
Drafting effective wills and trust allows property to be given to the people or institutions that...
At last a guidebook exists that discusses the issues, technologies, and tools related to teaching...
This book offers law students and practitioners alike a clear and concise overview of public inte...
The twenty-first century global world order creates fundamental challenges for the American model...
Lobbying: Business, Law and Public Policy, Why and How 12,000 People Spend $3+ Billion Impacting ...
The second edition of Consumer Bankruptcy is a case book designed for a two- or three-unit law sc...
Law school, particularly the first year, can be a rather intimidating and challenging experience ...