This classic science fiction novel by Edward Elmer Smith ('Doc Smith') was first serialised in Am...
Isaac Newton is regularly given the title of greatest scientist of all time, and in this biograph...
Claudius Ptolemy is sometimes called the Einstein of antiquity, this biography of his life and wo...
This fascinating biography of Tycho Brahe delves into the life and work of one of the most remark...
Galileo Galilee did not invent the telescope but he was the first to realize it's true importance...
A fascinating biography of one Europe's greatest astronomers, William Herschel, detailing his lif...
The enlightenment was an explosion of scientific thought that started in the Britain and swept th...
The Herschel family could hold claim to being the most incredible family in the history of Astron...
May 1914. Britain is on the eve of war with Germany. Richard Hannay is living a quiet life in Lon...
This classic collection of stories moves from England, France and Spain to the silver sands of th...
Virginia Woolf was born in London in 1882, the daughter of Sir Leslie Stephen, first editor of Th...
Elizabeth Bowen was born in Dublin in 1899, the only child of an Irish lawyer and land-owner. She...