'A Man Among the Helpers' is the unique story of one man's journey into the incredible world of N...
This is the story of two young entertainers - one a singer, the other a ventriloquist and comedia...
From the (mock) introduction by the (fictitious) translator:''The Naked Ear' is an unpolished, ap...
Since the late 1870s, travelers coming out of Mexico have whispered of Mateo Madero, the captain ...
TAKE FIVE is an eclectic collection of stories about provocative circumstances and intriguing eve...
Doing the Charleston: a Geechee Memoir is not a novel. It reads more like a young boy's diary: Ti...
This is the moving story of three Georgia families who, in the post Civil War 1870s, sought a bet...
Squarely in the heart of America, Salina, Kansas is a pretty safe place to have kids. At least, t...
Manolete, last of the great Apache chiefs, has broken out of the reservation, and terror sweeps s...
A young doctor, Frank Ballard, marries Isabel Lara. No one would ever imagine that while on their...
Six year old Lily Montgomery wanders from her home in Patras on that fateful night of 1821 when t...
A woman joins the US Navy in hopes of one day commanding her own ship. Can she overcome discrimin...