In Jane Campion: Cinema, Nation, Identity a diverse group of contributors challenge the view that...
The Boys in the Band's debut was revolutionary for its fictional but frank presentation of a male...
Robin Wood-one of the foremost critics of cinema-has laid the groundwork for anyone writing about...
Kadya Molodowsky (1894-1975) was among the most accomplished and prolific of modern Yiddish poets...
Starring Tom Cruise examines how Tom Cruise's star image moves across genres and forms as a type ...
Disputed Messiahs: Jewish and Christian Messianism in the Ashkenazic World during the Reformation...
Our Blessed Rebel Queen: Essays on Carrie Fisher and Princess Leia is the first full-length explo...
With engaged scholarship and an exciting contribution to the field of Israel Palestine studies, q...
Erstverkaufstag: 11.03.2025
Gilbert Michlin's sober text thoroughly documents the story of a Jewish immigrant family in Franc...
Dreaming Suburbia is a cultural and historical interpretation of the political economy of postwar...
Though it is often neglected in cinema scholarship, screen performance is a crucial element in th...