Hidden beneath desert sands and cleverly written as an intriguing story in the pages of the Bible...
Kat Dueschner is determined to be the opposite of her heavenly-minded mother. She wants to be an ...
With her family florist business ailing, Merry agrees to a merger with a former rival and quickly...
When Sir Peter Percival, owner of the Woodburne Wine Estate and former member of Parliament, is f...
Dashing heroes set out to protect the women of their dreams as they travel by boat over the Carib...
Three wizards have moved into Rebecca's district with nasty hobgoblins in tow. Why are they so he...
Contains graphic content that may not be suitable for sensitive audiences.Twyla Kotter has spent ...
All Edrun and Jina ever wanted was to get married, raise children and have a long, happy and unev...
All Edrun and Jina ever wanted was to get married, raise children and have a long, happy and unev...
When the heart is destroyed, the mind is capable of unspeakable things in the name of love...Ste...
For the daughter of a gentleman during the English Regency, life can be a whirlwind of parties, b...
For the daughter of a gentleman during the English Regency, life can be a whirlwind of parties, b...