Hidden beneath desert sands and cleverly written as an intriguing story in the pages of the Bible...
Dayree was born to a powerful family in the Taksearhe Clan. She was expected to have strong Talen...
When her sister mysteriously dies, Fern takes over the care of her baby nephew. She has no idea t...
Karen Montgomery was an ordinary woman until she stumbled into the extraordinary... A bargain wit...
Most people in the country of Saphradea admire sorcerers and dream of having magical powers. Not ...
Fairy princess turned mortal, Rebecca has a new cousin staying with her. Lianna and Prince Willdo...
Christian Riley, Elizabeth Horace, and Oscar Albright grew up together, the cliched 'church kids'...
At the ripe old age of thirty-six, Clay Wooten is tired of his law career and his insane, meddlin...
When Sir Peter Percival, owner of the Woodburne Wine Estate and former member of Parliament, is f...
All Edrun and Jina ever wanted was to get married, raise children and have a long, happy and unev...
All Edrun and Jina ever wanted was to get married, raise children and have a long, happy and unev...
When the heart is destroyed, the mind is capable of unspeakable things in the name of love...Ste...