In this work, Patrick Kelley interprets the intelligence environment ofpolitical, mil...
The third of a four-volume documentary history on the naval and maritime aspects of the War of 18...
Represents one of the earliest efforts to chronicle Marine Corps operations in Iraq between 2004-...
Contains reproductions of declassified documents. The documents in this volume were produced by t...
This conference investigates war termination, one of the most important issues facing military an...
Field manual 3-90.6 provides the commander and staff of the Brigade Combat Team (BCT) and subordi...
United States Army in Vietnam. Center of Military History publication number 91-14-1. Covers how ...
CMH Pub 55-1-1. Contingency Operations Series. Examines the Panama crisis from June 1987 to Decem...
After the collapse of the French army in 1940, the U.S. Army quickly moved to develop a doctrine,...
The purpose of this manual is to orient Soldiers to the functions and descriptions of hand grenad...