An engaging adventure story set in England during the time of the Civil War when King Charles was...
Twenty-one stories from the Arthurian legends specially selected and adapted for children and tol...
Beloved tale of the adventures of a puppet, carved from a stick of wood, who eventually becomes a...
A singularly ingenious, witty, and amusing attempt to teach some of the elements of grammar by al...
Follow the fortunes of orphan Richard Mutton as he travels to the New World with Captain John Smi...
Twenty-one stories of the ancient Greeks adapted for the younger reader from the admirable biogra...
Introductory volume in the series of Reading-Literature readers, whose purpose is to train childr...
An engaging introduction to the history of the early church from its emergence in the Mediterrane...
Through the eyes of a traveler to ancient Greece, we see how, by reason of geography, Greece beca...
Elementary history of Rome, presenting short stories of the great heroes, mythical and historical...
Vivid and picturesque account of the principal events in the building of the British Empire. Trac...
The story of the Dutch colony at New Amsterdam, through the eyes of the young lad Peter. Relates ...